Who, Me? Deborah Reed – About Me: ‘Deba Do Tell‘ has a double meaning for me. My dear dad always called me “Deba Do“, as does my brother, today! Do tell! 🙂
Mixed Bag of Hats
My life has been a rolling mixed bag! I’ve worn many hats. If you visit my other pages, you’ll see my hats in action. Pointy hats, lumpy hats, artsy hats, loss hats, sad hats, happy hats, funny hats. I’m best known out there as Creedence Leonore Gielgud, Queen of Nilbog in the cult classic film, “Troll 2“. You can learn more about that on my IMDb page. Also here, on my Troll 2 Queen page, where I’ll be writing of my experience! On other pages my Life Stories will gradually unfold.

Hats I’ve Worn
Writer, Illustrator, Producer, Director, Actor, Professional Model, Makeup Artist, Set Design, Children’s Instructor, Motivational Speaker, Children’s Advocate, Animal Advocate, Press Secretary, Social Media specialist, Designer, Artist, Jewelry Designer, DIYer.
~ My favorite hats are my Mom hat, my Grammy “MiMi” hat and Meow-Mom hat.
Many wonderful artists have depicted my “Troll 2” character in their work as Fan Art. I can’t tell you how this tickles me, as well as feeling honored. Here is just one of my faves. You can see more “Troll 2” Goblin art on my Troll 2 Queen page. I’ll be adding more Troll Queen art, soon!

I believe the best way to get through life’s bumps and crannies is with Loving, LAUGHTER – at tons of stuff, but mostly at myself – and most of all, Kindness. Whew… That’s a hat-ful! 😉
So… there you have it, friends, for better or worse… 😉 Thank you kindly for joining me on my – at times – wild ride! I hope you will Subscribe, join me on my other pages and continue the journey with me. ~ Deba Do ♥