Natural Cold Flu Easy Remedies Natural Cold Flu Easy Remedies have worked for me through the years! Also helpful for smog. Colds and Flu can be seasonal, but can really hit anytime. Flu Near You is a cool site where you can see immediately where flu is lurking in your own zip code! IF IT’S ALREADY […]
Bowels Pooped? Get Things Moving Naturally!

NATURAL CONSTIPATION RELIEF What if I told you there was something that would create a natural constipation relief and bless you with better health for under $25 you would use EVERY TIME you ‘GO‘ for the REST OF YOUR LIFE? 😀 Woo Hoo! FUNNY VIDEO & INFO below! UPDATE! 72 HOUR SALE Squatty Potty SALE~ CLICK LINK or See more below! EVERYTHING […]
Quote for a Beautiful Life ~ Laughter

LAUGHTER IS CONTAGIOUS! Laughter for the Soul Babies cry easily but they also laugh so effortlessly and easily. And we can’t help but laugh along with them! Laughter is indeed contagious – Is it not? 😀 Sources of Laughter In the most trying of times, I have found moments of laughter. I can find humor […]
Quotes for a Beautiful Life

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE ~ Finding HAPPINESS My darling grandfather on my mother’s side was a rugged Mining Engineer, who braved the harsh mountains alone many times as he did important surveys for the state. But what I recall of him was his gentle nature. He wrote thoughtful, wonderful verse and would quote others’ he felt worthy of repeating and […]
Are Your Fruits & Veggies Safe? 2017 “Dirty Dozen” & “Clean Fifteen”

UPDATE! SEE THE NEW 2017 LIST ! 🙂 I think it’s interesting to compare my 2016 List to the new 2017 List. It’s actually quite close. GOING ORGANIC? More and more of us are wanting to go organic today. But it isn’t always convenient, or affordable. WHAT to do? Produce Knowledge: The first thing […]
Quotes for a Beautiful Life ~ Intention of Thought

INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT Start your day with one inspirational thought to ponder throughout. Great acts start with small deeds. ~Lao Tzn “Lao Tzn was one of the most famous Chinese philosophers. Not much is known of the details of his life, and some have thought he was not a real person.” (6th century BC) […]
Yummy DIY Organic Face Mask

My Favorite Beauty Mask ~ Food For Your Skin! Nourish and revitalize your skin with a mask made fresh that will not only beautify your skin (especially good for dry skin), but have long lasting benefits with its natural, organic ingredients. It can help slow down the aging process by improving elasticity as it reaches […]