Start your day with one inspirational thought to ponder throughout.
Great acts start with small deeds. ~Lao Tzn

“Lao Tzn was one of the most famous Chinese philosophers. Not much is known of the details of his life, and some have thought he was not a real person.” (6th century BC) More info on Wiki.
Beauty Within and Without ~ Let Yours so Shine
I believe that a heart which is touched by beauty each day will shine beauty without.
I would love to hear a favorite uplifting or inspirational quote of yours for QUOTES FOR A BEAUTIFUL LIFE! Please SHARE them in the COMMENT section. I may create a meme and use it on my Natural Wellness & Beauty page. I will give you mention for your contribution and thank you there!
Thank you for visiting, friends. I will continue to create memes of quotes I feel are inspiring and uplifting. I hope you might share where you wish. Please Subscribe. 🙂 ~Deba Do ♥