One Holiday at a Time, if you Please Halloween Countdown? What? Already, you say? Never too early for a countdown to Halloween, eh dear Minions? I have to admit when I went to Costco, the other day, skeletons and witches were invading my organic foods space, and I said to myself and anyone within earshot, “What? […]
The Wolf Man
Howling at the Moon with “The Wolf Man” (1941)

I’m gazing at the illusive moon ~ now a golden sphere. Her lunar beauty elevates. Entices me. View from my backyard. Later, view from my veranda. Brings out that canine in me. Join me! AWWWWOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! And while we’re in that wolfie mood…………. What could be better than to cozy up with your significant furry […]