Christmas Under Wraps ~ Fun Romantic, Christmas Drama Worth Watching!

CHRISTMAS UNDER WRAPS   (2014)  Romantic Drama   6.8 Stars

Another movie with my buddy and ” My TROLL 2  ” castmate, Darren Ewing!  He is also in a brand new Hallmark movie, “My Christmas Love”.  See more on my Romantic Christmas Comedies blog.  🙂

CHRISTMAS UNDER WRAPS - When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town.

Fix some hot cocoa and snuggle up!  I really enjoyed this move.  I found it to be better than some of the ‘Christmas cookie’ cutter romance movies.

I always enjoy Candace Cameron and of course enjoyed seen my friend, Darren Ewing!  Watch when she arrives at her new Hospital and meets the orderlies and keep watching for his fun trademark personality! (At the end, actually emotional…)  Check out his IMDb page!

A new doctor/surgeon who was looking forward to a prestigious fellowship to move her career forward, only finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town as a very small town doctor.  Curing town colds and a reindeer, her perspective begins to change…  Has a touch of a very special touch of ‘Magic’!  You’ll be giggling at the end!  😀

Nominated for the OFTA Television Award for “Best Motion Picture”.

On TV  check your listings

Airs Mon. Dec. 26, 10:00 PM on HALLMARK


I hope you are enjoying your Holidays!  And ALL my movie suggestions!

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Thank you, Everybuddies!  ~ Deba Do ♥

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