My Appreciation for my Appetizing Fans!
OMGoblins! TROll 2 Autographed DVD Giveaway! My Goblins are Giddy! It’s the Cat’s Meow & my Goblins’ Growl!
GREETINGS, my darling Minions!

(The 20th Anniversary Nilbog Edition) [Multi-format Blu-ray]

Troll 2 Autographed DVD Giveaway ~How to Win! 
For YOUR chance to win a personalized Autographed Troll 2 DVD in a random Drawing:
(Your email address will not be seen and never shared with anyone.)
1 – WRITE THE PHRASE – “Troll 2 is Cool”, OR “Troll 2 is Drool” in the COMMENT BOX, below.
2 – Join me & SUBSCRIBE to my blog! IF you are ALREADY a subscriber, SHARE on Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest – Tumbler or Google+. ) Icons for Sharing on lefthand side or bottom of page or from my Fan page.
3 – Visit my IMDb page
♥ (Scroll down on my IMDb page – left side.)
I thank thee, dear Minions. All these things help your Queen’s numbers grow, which enable me to take the time to have fun with my most amazing, SWEETEST FANS, ever! Appetizing . . . . ~ Goblin smooches, Your loving Queen of Nilbog & GREEN
We Have a Winner!
Congrats to Ryan Mudd! You are the winner in your Queen’s random drawing! Please msg me on my fan page and I’ll get your info where to send your Troll 2 DVD!
My enormous thanks for all who entered and your kind support, whether Cool or Droolers! You’re Awesome!
Also, loved many of your fun stories and remarks. Thaaaaaaaaaaank you! I’ll do another Giveaway before long!
What an excellent giveaway, so generous of you! Troll 2 Is Cool!!!
troll 2 is cool!!
😀 Ian!
Troll 2 is cool & AWESOME!!!
😀 Larry!
Troll 2 is Cool!!!!
😀 Thomas!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Mike!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Donnie!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Jimmy!
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Samuel!
Troll 2 is cool.
I love this film. So much heart.
😀 Ben!
I never thought the color green was so arousing!
😀 Brad!
Troll 2 is cool.
😀 Don!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Erica!
Troll 2 Is Cool & Amazingly Awesome!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Max!
Troll 2 is cool!!!!!!!!!! And The Queen of Nilbog will always have a piece of my heart!
😀 Anthony!
Troll 2 is Cool
Troll 2 is so damn Cool!!!!!
😀 Greg!
“Troll 2 is Cool”…and i still enjoy watching the movie….especially on Halloween 🙂
😀 Steve!
Troll 2 is cool and Drool!
😀 Logan!
Troll 2 is very cool.
😀 Ryan!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Eric!
Troll 2 is cool🌱
😀 Evalinda!
Troll 2 IS Cool!!
😀 Holly!
Troll 2 is cool. This movie really got me into horror. Being a kid from Utah I remember they had Utah plates on their van. Really touched home for me.
😀 Mitch! Love hearing that! Thank you for sharing your memories. 🙂
Troll 2 is cool! And BADASS!!! My friends and I LOVE this movie!!! Especially your performance!!! I use either one or three exclamation point(s) apparently!
😀 Dylan! Thanks for your fun thoughts! 🙂
Troll 2 is cool! 👹👹🍀🌱🌽
😀 Ashlie!
Troll 2 is cool! Love from Knoxville!!
😀 Jimmy!
Troll 2 is cool!
One of my favorite movies ever! I’ve been meaning to take a trip over to the actual Nilbog for years now. One of these days!
😀 Ronnie!
“Troll 2 is cool!” ….and eating corn-on-the-cob changed forever with the movie! 😀
😀 Jeff!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Cameron!
Troll 2 is cool! It’s very…. appetizing! (Makes us drool)
😀 Atom!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Steven!
Troll 2 is cool. It’s the best worst movie ever made and I think I’ve watched it over 100 times. Lol
😀 Danny!
Troll 2 is Cool…for sure!
😀 Jon!
Troll 2 is Cool!!
😀 Austin!
Troll 2 is Cool!!!
How about some corn Credence?? All you have to do is heat it up!?!
😀 Dave! Hee… come on over to Nilbog and we will have some waiting for you! 😉
!looc si 2 llorT
😀 Kris! 😉 hee
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Dylan!
Troll 2 is COOL!!!
😀 Robert!
I always enjoyed Troll 2, really funny movie. Sure it’s different than the first Troll movie, but Troll 2 is Cool! Hope to see a Troll 3: Land Of The Trolls at some point. Would be great for us Troll fans. Not trolling either, Trolls are cool.
😀 Jarrod!
Troll 2 is drool!
😀 Matt!
Troll 2 is COOL drool!
😀 Andy!
Troll 2 is cool! It’s my favorite guilty pleasure movie. Well, I don’t know why I even call it that. I have no guilt in saying that I love it!
😀 Brooke!
Troll 2 is SO COOL!
😀 Claire!
Troll 2 is COOL!! I love it!!
Troll 2 is cool and Deborah is hot.
😀 Ethan! Your queen blushes in Green! 😉
“Troll 2 is Cool”.
😀 Dave!
“Troll 2 is SUPER Cool” 😀
😀 Ronald!
Troll 2 is cool. Just introduced my gf to it yesterday!
😀 Mike! Awesome, another tree for Nilbog! 😉 Feel free to have her enter as well. 🙂
Troll 2 is cool.
I lucked out last time! let’s have another roll of the dice! Troll 2 is Cool! And incidentally it IS! I still think Troll 2 was a major influencing factor in me developing a curiosity for the absurd and the bizarre. Plus I’d really to see it again! 😉
😀 Martyn! That’s so cool to hear about! Thanks for sharing!
Troll 2 is cool! I added you in my Facebook group, “The most excellent/killer horror group” (well a while ago).
😀 Michael! Ah! Makes sense to add me to your Horror Group! I still scare people without even trying! 😉 (I’ll check it out!)
Troll 2 is Cool and the Queen Deborah is the most awesome ruler of all time xx we love Troll 2 in Yorkshire, UK 🙂 xx
😀 Kevin! Aw, you are so kind. Your Queen of Nilbog loves Yorkshire!
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Michael!
😀 Kenny!
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Kyle!
Troll 2 is cool. It is awesome
😀 Michael!
Troll 2 is cool.
Troll 2 is Cool! I watched it again a just couple days ago – it’s been a few years since I last saw it. How come you didn’t get much screen time in the “Best Worst Movie” documentary?
You still look gorgeous with your long hair and bangs, by the way. =]
Good luck with your endeavors!
😀 Nik! Fun to hear you watching again. I get asked that all the time. I was asked, numerous times, but I was doing a TV show (on my IMDb page) during that time and the hours were grueling. Plus, caring for a family member. Finally, in the 11th hour, I agreed and they added me to Bonus Features, which is on the DVD version.
You are so cute – thank you! Most of my life I have enjoyed long hair and bangs! 🙂
Troll 2 is (drum roll please) COOL !!
😀 Samantha! Love the drum roll . . . . . . . . . 😉
😀 COOL, Andres!
Trolls 2 is cool and drool! I love driving through Morgan and seeing the parts from the movie! Much love Deborah!
🙂 Raymond! Hee – you are the first to say both! Fun to hear of your adventures into Nilbog! Next time you are there… take some pics and send to me! XO back to you.
Troll 2 is Cool!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Will!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Joe!
Troll 2 is Cool. Would LOVE to show my pre-teen daughters this movie and brag about who it came from!
😀 Samuel!
Troll 2 Is Cool!
😀 Dillon!
Troll 2 Is Cool!!!!!!!
😀 Dane!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Max!
Troll 2 is cool, and so are you!!! 🌱🌹🍁
😀 Maria!
Troll 2 is cool!!!!!!
😀 Jimmy!
Troll 2 is Cool!!!
😀 John!
Troll 2 is Cool………….beyond cool
😀 Rick!
Troll two is cool….where’s that double decker bologna sandwich
😀 Dave!
Troll 2 is Cool
(I look forward to hosting a Troll 2 Party one day soon!)
😀 Dawn!
“Troll 2 is Drool”
😀 Maynard!
Troll is Great
Troll is Cool
Troll is Grool
😀 Jimsin! Great – Cool – Grool!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Noah!
TROLL 2 IS COOL!!!!!!!!
😀 Osvaldo!
Yay! Troll 2 is Cool!
But Would be ok with your drool too Troll Queen! 🙂 Had your FB for years but just added blog! Glad you are well. 🙂
😀 Sanders! Yay! And thank you. 🙂
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Sanders!
Troll 2 is kewl!
😀 Sanders!
Troll 2 is cool, I drool for Troll 2 and My Green Queen Creedance!
😀 Sanders! awwww 😉
😀 Your Green Queen thanks thee, Sanders!
Troll 2 is cool! Never did popcorn look so good!
😀 Sanders! hee
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Ben!
Troll 2 is Cool Drool!!!
😀 Blair! hee
Troll 2 is Drool.
Aaahhh! Think about the cholesterol! Think about… THE TOXINS…!
😀 Tony! ha ha… I suppose all that is drool-worthy! 😉
Troll 2 is cool. 😎😎😎
😀 Josh! hee… Dark shades, cool, I see…. 😉
😀 Nathan! Hee – I don’t have enough words to respond to that! How ’bout . . . . that was Goblinee Sweet!
Troll 2 is cool!!!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Izaya!
Troll 2 is coooooool!
Troll 2’s drool is cool!
Tr ‘ole 2 is cool!
Troll 2 is COOL! 😎
😀 James!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Matthew! Your queen appreciates your loyalty, dear servant.
Troll 2 is definitely my favorite movie. Long live the Queen!
Troll 2 is Cool 4everever
😀 Joe! awwww
Troll 2 is Cool!!
😀 Maynard Harry!
Troll 2 is cool! I need to come over soon for another green “health” shake 😊
😀 Jim! Indeed, for sure! 🙂
TROLL 2 is cool!
😀 Eric!
Troll 2 is COOL!!!
😀 Scott!
Troll 2 is cool
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Hamza!
Troll 2 is cool! (And so are you!)
😀 Tristan! How nice! 🙂
Troll 2 is Drool
😀 Thomas!
Troll 2 is cool!!!
😀 Jeannette!
Troll 2 is Cool!
😀 Alex!
Love ya goblin queen … troll2 is def cool
😀 Craig! awwww
Troll 2 is cool!
And you are very nice for hosting this contest. Thank you!
😀 Ben!
Troll 2 Is Cool!!!!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is cool!!!!
😀 Gordy!
😀 Gordy!
Troll 2 is Cool!!
😀 Clint!
Troll 2 Is Cool Drool!
😀 Tristan! Hee… Goblin Double trouble!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Shilo!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Shaun!
Troll 2 Is Cool!!!!!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Aaron!
Troll 2 Is Cool!!!!!!!
!!!Troll 2 Is Cool!!!
Troll 2 is coolll!!!
😀 Atom!
TrOlL 2 iS cOol!!!!!!!!!!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Nate!
Coffee, it’s the Devil’s drink! ☕️
hee hee, Brad. 😀
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Kristy!
Troll 2 is beyond cool!!!!
😀 Jimmy!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Travis!
Troll 2 is cool! But i drool for you!
😀 LOL Brodie…. I blush in GREEN!
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Matt!
Troll 2 is cool !!
😀 Pol!
TRoll 2 is CoOL!!!
😀 Nathan!
Huge fan of Troll 2. I saw it again last week at the Alamo Drafthouse in NYC. There were a lot of “virgins” in the crowd who had never seen the film before. Must have been great to be introduced to Troll 2 for the first time on the big screen!
Oh, thanks for sharing your experience, James! So fun to hear your thoughts. 🙂 Hope you will spread the word about my Blog!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Paul!
“Troll 2 is Cool”
😀 Clark!
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Kevin!
Troll 2 is Cool
😀 Paul!
Holy Vegetables! Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Tristan!
Troll 2 is cool! WAAAAY Cool!
😀 Brooklyn!
Troll 2 is Cool!
😀 Rebecca!
Troll 2 is too Cool!
The Alamo Drafthouse theater here in Brooklyn, NY just showed Troll 2 on a crappy 35mm film print. It was all scratched up, frames were missing in some scenes, and the editing was somehow worse than it already is in the movie. I loved it, and I adore this movie……. really.
What fun to hear about your experience, Zachary! Very much the essence of Troll 2, is it not? 😉 Thanks much for sharing with me. 😀
Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Sanders!
Troll 2 is Coooooool!
😀 Michael!
Stay in school, Troll 2 is cool!
😀 Tristan. hee hee… Nilbog School! 😉
Oh so cool, Troll 2 is drool!
😀 Maynard!
Goblins Drool and Troll 2 Is Cool!
😀 Tristan1
Troll 2 is cool! I just made my brother watch it and he says it’s the best film he’s ever seen. His favourite bit was the goblin bit x
😀 Aimee. Hee – That is hilarious! Love it.
Troll 2 is cool
😀 Paul!
Troll 2 Is So Awesome! Period.
😀 Dillon!
Troll 2 is drool
Troll 2 is drool
😀 Dave!
😀 Dave!
Troll 2 is SO COOL!
😀 James!
Troll 2 is cool… and my favorite movie!
😀 Matthew! Yay!
Troll 2 Is Cool
😀 James!
👹Troll 2 is cool 👹
Troll 2 is super cool!
😀 Daniel!
TROLL 2 IS COOL!!!!!!!
😀 Donald!
Troll 2 is still cool!
I haf resisted the urge to enter multiple times…..until now!!! I wish everyone the best of luck but especially me!! 🙂
😀 Kris!
Troll 2 is 2 cool!
😀 Sanders!
Troll 2 rules! Deborah Reed rocks my Nilbog world!
😀 Matthew!
😀 James!
Has the winner been announced? If not, I’ll stick in an extra Troll 2 is cool! (Just to be safe, lol)
Oh my gosh. That is awesome that I won.
Yay! Many Goblin congrats, Ryan!