WHAT’S CUTER THAN AN EASTER BUNNY? AN EASTER BUNNY~KITTY! 🙂 I’m a huge bunny fan. I’ve had several. My family now has two! *see below 🙂 We are all also HUGE KITTY fans. So a Bunny-Kitty is just about hoppily puuuurfect! Hee. HOPPY EASTER, DEAR KITTIES & BUNNIES! SAFETY FOR YOUR PETS DURING THE HOLIDAY ~ […]
I Love Kitties
25 Darling Vintage Valentine Kitty Cat Cards

♥ KITTIES & VALENTINES! ♥ What could be sweeter? At the stroke of midnight I kissed my kitty, Baby Girl, on the top of the head and asked her to be My Furry Valentine! I then, had to include Squeekers, as he doesn’t like to left out! and of course I sent air kisses to Boo, […]