♥ KITTIES & VALENTINES! ♥ What could be sweeter? At the stroke of midnight I kissed my kitty, Baby Girl, on the top of the head and asked her to be My Furry Valentine! I then, had to include Squeekers, as he doesn’t like to left out! and of course I sent air kisses to Boo, their brother who is watching over us. Missing my sweetheart, Randy, but feeling him near on the other side. So thankful I have my fur babies to keep me warm and happy today!
FUR BABY VALENTINES ~ Which kitty is Your Favorite? =:-}
I hope you enjoyed! Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow
Which is your favorite kitty card? Please COMMENT below!
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#5 has the cutest face
Yep, that’s a cutie! =:-} Thanks for commenting, Dino!