We honor the men and women who are often put in harms way. We are grateful for their bravery. I like to also always remember their tender sides. There is nothing more tender to me than the love for sweet cats, often in need of love and assistance in times of strife in the world. And KITTIES, who so often bring and light in a time of need.
So I thought I would gather for you some lovely images of vintage Soldiers and Kitties. ♥
Vintage Soldiers, Kitties & Blessings
-1- Special Comrades
I love this one especially, because of my affinity for Black Kitties!

-2- Tender Displays of Affection
This precious photo has to be my favorite. It needs no words.

-3- Saying Fare thee Well to a Precious Friend

-4- Soldier’s Little Helper
-5- A Wee Soldier
-6- A Soldier Sharing What’s His with a Tiny Soul
-7- A Moment of Joy in a Time of Strife

-8- Love in the Trenches

-9- Hello, Sweet Little Innocent. Please Be Safe
The expressions on both ~ Being its own tender story.

-10- Loving the Attention

-11- The Tiniest Receiving Care
I dearly hope this wee babe found safety.

-12- Kitties Bring Smiles Wherever they May Be

-13- In the Company of Cats =:-}
I hope you enjoyed, dear friends of kitties, as well as you who appreciate our men and women who now serve, have served and honor those who have given their all. ♥
Do you have a favorite? Let me know! Do you have one to contribute? Let me know. You can send a link and I’ll check it out and add if appropriate.
I hope you will Comment your thoughts below & Share on the Social Media of your choice!
For more info on the cult classic movie, “Troll 2″, and my career in film, visit my page. 🙂
Please SUBSCRIBE! Thanks so much for joining me. ~ Deba Do ♥ Deborah Reed
Great photos Deborah. My favorite is number 4, so cute!
How kind, Trisan. So nice of you to tell me. And I love your choice. Most definitely one of my favorites. So adorable. =:-}
I love this article! So many heartfelt pictures. ❤
Aw, that does ‘my’ heart good, Bethany! Thanks so much for sharing. <3