Mother’s Day BOSCH Mixer Special – FREE ATTACHMENT! MOM STILL USING THAT SAME OLD MIXER? :O What could be better than getting her something that will bring her fun all year long and many years to come! Right now is perfect, because for a limited time there is an awesome Mother’s Day BOSCH Mixer Special – FREE ATTACHMENT! *see below! […]

MY FUNNY e-CARDS Look Inside! Tagline below! Funny e-Cards? I love to laugh and love to make others laugh. I’ve seen entire audiences rolling in the isles on a production I wrote. What could be more fun than that? Most of all, it’s gratifying to know you are bringing a smile to […]
Easter Dangers for Pets!

WHAT’S CUTER THAN AN EASTER BUNNY? AN EASTER BUNNY~KITTY! 🙂 I’m a huge bunny fan. I’ve had several. My family now has two! *see below 🙂 We are all also HUGE KITTY fans. So a Bunny-Kitty is just about hoppily puuuurfect! Hee. HOPPY EASTER, DEAR KITTIES & BUNNIES! SAFETY FOR YOUR PETS DURING THE HOLIDAY ~ […]
18 Vintage & Antique Easter Greetings ~ Sweet Children, Bunnies, Chicks & Angels

WISHING YOU ALL A LOVELY EASTER WEEKEND, DEAR FRIENDS VINTAGE ~ I ADORE IT! And never is it more, adorable, sweet, poignant or lovely than at EASTER. I’ve looked through many hundreds of VINTAGE and ANTIQUE images and gathered my favorites here for you! CHILDREN and EASTER DAY ~ Children, Bunnies and Chickies ~ Oh My! […]
Are Your Fruits & Veggies Safe? 2017 “Dirty Dozen” & “Clean Fifteen”

UPDATE! SEE THE NEW 2017 LIST ! 🙂 I think it’s interesting to compare my 2016 List to the new 2017 List. It’s actually quite close. GOING ORGANIC? More and more of us are wanting to go organic today. But it isn’t always convenient, or affordable. WHAT to do? Produce Knowledge: The first thing […]
Quotes for a Beautiful Life ~ Intention of Thought

INSPIRATIONAL THOUGHT Start your day with one inspirational thought to ponder throughout. Great acts start with small deeds. ~Lao Tzn “Lao Tzn was one of the most famous Chinese philosophers. Not much is known of the details of his life, and some have thought he was not a real person.” (6th century BC) […]
🍀Happy St. Patty’s Day, dear Minions, from NILBOG!🍀

A special day for your Queen! Day of GREEN! Enjoy your Nilbog Drink! (Non-alcoholic. However, Caution: Better read the fine print….) Juicy Goblin smooches, your Troll 2 Queen 💚💚💚
25 Darling Vintage Valentine Kitty Cat Cards

♥ KITTIES & VALENTINES! ♥ What could be sweeter? At the stroke of midnight I kissed my kitty, Baby Girl, on the top of the head and asked her to be My Furry Valentine! I then, had to include Squeekers, as he doesn’t like to left out! and of course I sent air kisses to Boo, […]
26 Creepy, Scary Vintage Valentine Cards

VALENTINE’S DAY ~ All SWEET HEARTS & FLOWERS . . . RIGHT? NOT! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech to a HALT! I’ve been gathering these for awhile because they are simply fascinating? What were they thinking in the day? I’m all for fun and camp, and some of these are just weird or skin-crawly artistic style, but others are just […]